2025 Program - Call for Papers - Deadline February 20

All residents and fellows worldwide welcome!

Novick Award - $500 Prize for Best Paper

2025 USTRS Annual Meeting
Las Vegas, Nevada - Held during the AUA Annual Meeting
(Date to be determined)

Urology residents and fellows are invited to submit abstracts related to renal transplantation, renalsurgery and adrenal surgery. The top six abstracts, based on scientific quality and originality, will be presented in a moderated podium session; all others will be considered for a poster presentation. There will be 7 minutes for each presentation and 3 minutes for discussion. The Novick Award ($500) will be given for the best presentation. The abstracts submitted cannot be on the AUA program.


Abstracts should be prepared in standard AUA format and submitted by email to info@USTRS.org by the deadline. You will receive an email acknowledgement of your abstract submission and e-mail notification if your abstract is accepted. Please include your name, best phone number, address and institution in your email. Direct questions to the USTRS office or emails above.

Preparation of the abstracts is similar to that for the AUA Annual Meeting. See sample.

  1. Size: <2,280 characters; this includes the body of the abstract, tables, and graphics; tables = 225 characters. Send in a Word Document, Page setup: width 8.5″, height 11.5″. Use 0.5″ inch margins for top/bottom and right/left. Use 10 pt. Arial font (or smaller if needed).
  2. Title: Clearly define the topic; no abbreviations.
  3. Authors: List the primary author’s full name, followed by the other author’s names; spell out the names of all authors using full first name, middle initial and last name. Resident(s) or fellow(s) MUST be identified in the author list in bold
  4. Body of Abstract: Make it informative and detailed.

*The body must contain 4 separate paragraphs: Introduction and Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusions.

*It is not acceptable to state that “The results will be discussed.”

*Standard abbreviations may be used as follows: on first use, spell out the full term and follow with the abbreviation in parentheses.

*Use generic, not proprietary, names of drugs.

5. Source of Funding: Grant support must be indicated on the “Source of Funding” line. If there is no support, “None” must be listed. This is a required field.

Abstracts should be prepared in standard AUA format and submitted by email to info@USTRS.org by deadline date.

You will receive an email acknowledgement of your abstract submission and e-mail notification if your abstract is accepted. Please direct questions to the USTRS office or emails above.